Saturday, February 20, 2010

Princess Dresser and more

People are always asking me
what I've been working on
but I know they are thinking-
"What the heck does she do all day".
Besides helping
Simply Everything Boutique
make the world a better place and
beginning to work with
Amy Lambert of CICreative,
I occasionally get a little painting done.
Here are this week's projects.

You can't really tell from the
pictures that the crown curls
and words have beautiful glitter on them.
The sides have fun polka dots too!
(Come in to see it at SEB in person!)

Now don't give me any grief
the picture quality!!
I spent over an hour this morning
recharging our "good camera"
YET again because it
doesn't turn it's self off,
that weighs 10,000 lbs.
and has cool buttons all over
and things you can clip on
and take off...
Then you wait....waiiiittt...
for the perfect sunshine-
not too bright, not too dark...
to SNAP!
that perfect picture.
The stupid camera for some
reason which is obviously
beyond me again,
wouldn't take a picture.
It sat silently, laughing, laughing
as I struggled, punched, pushed
and pleaded with it.

Now- before you get all-
Ya just have to this and you shoulda known that...
For all your fanciness...
I picked up my
Exlim Casio
with the big screen
and shot pictures instantly.
So there na!

Here are a couple other things I worked
on this week.

Great Adventure $32

Time Out Step Stool $28
Come in to SEB and say you saw
these on the blog and I'll
have them take $10% off
for ya!

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